Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting rid of comments from any File

Ever wanted to have a mean squid.conf file?

How neat it may look if U get rid of all that comments of # marks

Yeah I found out an easier way with grep command
Infact I wanted to do it with awk which I am trying to learn but found the command worked on linux wont work in FreeBSD
So went back not shell commands and grep was there to save the day

#grep -v ^# /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf | grep -v ^$

Must get you the filtered squid configuration file without all that commented lines

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Warm New Year Wishes

Wishing Everyone A Warm NewYear
Lets all hope this new year brings great hopes , peace and prosperity & achievements to everyones life.
Eagerly  looking forward to the coming months are years
Lets all have a wonderful New Year Ahead.
